Welcome to the online community of the Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation. The Trustees are proud to serve the legacy of Emily Alexander Baldwin and Henry Perrine Baldwin, and to honor the memory of their son, Fred Baldwin. As we celebrate over a century of service to the people of Maui, we invite you to explore the accomplishments of our grantees and the important work they carry on today.
The foundation supports programs and projects, including capital projects, that benefit the people of Maui County. Projects in the arts, education, environment, health, and human services are of greatest interest.

Please Note: The Hawaii Community Foundation is located in the C. Brewer Building. We contract with Hawaii Community Foundation to provide grantmaking support for our foundation; therefore, the address for Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation is:
827 Fort Street Mall
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Office: (808) 566-5524
Fax: (808) 521-6286